Dear Players,
We hope you will accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience experienced by all the players due to the intermittent service outages since quite a time. We know it was important for you to resume our services as early as possible, but the failure of our server hardware was a frustration to us even. Thank you for your patience while we enlisted the help of several additional engineers and support executives to help with our setup. Our service provider has admitted culpability in this issue and given us their assurance that maintenance to check the current state of affairs as well as to put in place a tighter monitoring system so any similar outage will be discovered sooner, will be put into place today. We are recruiting additional executives to take care of in-game issues as well as to provide mail support to all our players.
As you are quite aware that we have been running our services free of cost and unconditional events like these put us under intense financial pressure leaving us no choice but to trim the operational and maintenance costs from our own pockets. Hence, to overcome this situation we have decided to roll out our long awaited subscription services. We have enjoyed working with your social committee, and we look forward to serving you more efficiently in the future.
Again, our sincere apologies.
A3 India Team.